The Journey is Sacred, Spiritual, Creative


And we are meant to travel with friends. Is something in your soul calling you to deeper communion? Is your same-old faith life leaving you unfulfilled? Do you feel there is something more, something deeper waiting to be discovered? Would you like guidance unblocking your creativity? Would you like to explore ways to deepen your prayer practice? Do you simply need a faithful listener who honors your journey as sacred and spiritual?

All photography provided by the spiritual directors of Sacred Listening (unless otherwise noted)



Retreats and small groups are a wonderful way to listen to the heart in silence and guided conversation. Check out our current offerings on the “Join Us” page. Some retreats are offered through the Ignatius House in Atlanta, GA.


Spiritual Direction

Learn more about the ancient practice of Spiritual Direction, and the benefits of journeying with a Spiritual Companion. Read about our individual faith journeys and ministries here, and find the Director who is right for you.