As St Ignatius of Loyola once said, pilgrimages do not proceed in a straight line.
While pursing a career in the tech industry, I encountered Ignatian spirituality on my first religious retreat in 1994. The 3-day silent retreat at Manresa on the Mississippi in Convent, LA changed my life. Even my wife noticed the changes and proclaimed I would be returning the following year, which I have faithfully done annually.
These retreats continue to shaped who I am called to be and what I am called to do. This included being ordained a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Austin in 2016 and semi retiring in 2019 to pursue a MA in Christian Spirituality / Spiritual Direction from Loyola University Chicago full-time.
In my final year at Loyola, I graduated in May 2021, I began walking with individuals for spiritual direction and leading numerous group retreats that followed the 18th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises.
Each of us are being called to walk with Jesus, to have a personal relationship with Our Lord and Savior. I am available to walk with you either individually for one on one spiritual direction or to guide a group on a directed retreat.
You can reach me at: