A couple of weeks ago I welcomed my first and only assistant dog. Since an accident two years ago, where I more or less lost my eyesight, I have been waiting for the dog.
Last Sunday we heard the words where Jesus talks about himself as a good shepherd who takes care of his sheep. In the Gospel of John chapter 10, Jesus tells us how he calls out for his sheep and leads them to good pastures. The sheep follow him because they recognize His voice.
It is pretty amazing how I can see this happen in the relationship between me and my dog. When I call out for her, she instantly comes. As with the sheep she recognizes my voice.
For the sake of the dog my husband and I have built a fence around our garden where the dog freely can play. It reminds me of the image of the green pasture.
All of this makes me think of how Jesus takes care of us. He calls out for us, to lead us into freedom and play.
So in my own prayer, I feel an invitation to reflect on:
· what is it that makes us recognize the voice of Jesus.
· in what circumstances becomes his voice clearer to us?
· In the Gospel Jesus says that he leads the sheep to freedom. This makes me wonder how this freedom looks like in our own lives?
When I am with my assistant dog and feel her willingness to be close, it helps me to feel gratitude to God who uses the image of the nearness between the sheep and the shepherd to try to tell us about the love for us, which is Gods own. — Hillevi Bergvall
God sends help in many forms.